Q&A Responses

Questions on the 2023 All-Source RFP may be submitted to us via the RFP e-mail address at IMAllSourceRFP@crai.com. Responses to questions will be posted on this page to all participants without any information that would identify the questioner.

Responses to Questions and Comments ReceivedUpdated 5/23/2023

No. QuestionAnswer
1Please explain why I&M will not consider SCRs for the CTs at Rockport.Based on the selection of the machines specified for the Rockport site, the Company is confident the newer technologies will meet our NOx and other emissions goals without using SCRs
2For the Rockport site, will a storage only project be considered or only if paired with a CT?A storage only project will be considered. It does not need to be paired with a CT. 
3At Rockport, are reciprocating combustion engines going to be considered?No, only CTs.
4If the 540 MW possibly is not met at Rockport, are there other sites that could get thermal technology beyond CTs at Rockport?Yes, I&M would consider that as part of the aggregate to the 540 MW.
5Will I&M consider energy storage using grid-forming inverters for black start capability at Rockport instead of CTs? If so, will this option be expressly identified in the RFP?The draft RFP specifies that both CTs and energy storage are eligible technologies available for bidders to include in their proposals.
6Why is there a <=20% nameplate requirement for storage options paired with wind and solar? I&M had been considering 20% or less, but upon further consideration decided to allow for one offer at 20% and additional offers at greater than 20%.
7Will I&M consider a greater amount of storage integrated with solar, beyond 60 MW?Yes, as long as it is able to meet all RFP requirements and can be justified economically.
8Can you explain what can be considered in the “other” resource category? Is it truly any technology with “low carbon emissions” or “emissions mitigations” and could include intermittent resources?That is correct, as long as it complies with the RFP criteria.
9Will other bid types (e.g., self-build) besides PSA/PPA be considered? No. No affiliates/I&M entities are allowed to submit bids, only third-parties. The contract structures would be PSA and PPA
10Regarding the concept “Supplemental capacity to meet overall portfolio capacity need and timing”: is the “capacity need” as determined by the recent approved Michigan settlement or based on some other methodology?It is not just based on the Michigan settlement. It just allows for all-source RFPs, so that other resources that meet the criteria beyond just those that were specifically identified as targets in the IRP can be considered.
11How is overall portfolio capacity defined?Capacity need is defined by the target in the IRP. That will be refined by the most current assumptions / requirements set forth by PJM going forward.
12Can you elaborate on how the “Resource Optionality and Flexibility Benefits” criteria will be evaluated?This category is based on ensuring I&M can meet energy, capacity, and ancillary service needs under volatile market conditions. We want to ensure we have space to pivot due to potential new technologies or changing market rules. These criteria will answer the question: “What other option does the proposal provide to I&M to address changing needs going forward?”
13Is it possible to request I&M’s Form CA and gain access to the subsequent documents (Appendices D-F, H-S) prior to release of the final RFP? Bidders providing the executed confidentiality agreement will be provided copies of Appendices, once available, potentially in advance of final RFP issuance.
14Do the results from [a forthcoming distribution-level interconnection study] application satisfy the interconnection requirement and the I&M Distribution Impact Study requirement?

Additionally, what is the timeline to receive the I&M Distribution Impact Study after an interconnection application is submitted?
To qualify for the RFP, bidders must meet the criteria of the RFP.  For Distribution Projects, this includes providing a completed I&M Distribution Impact Study (as required in Section 6.5 of the draft RFP) in conjunction with an executed confidentiality agreement.

The distribution interconnection process is handled by the Distribution Planning team through the guidelines published on I&M’s website at:
https://www.indianamichiganpower.com/business/builders/CreateGreen-IN, and

Please direct inquiries related to distribution system interconnection to this department.
15Regarding evaluation criteria, why are debt equivalence costs included? These do not seem like actual costs that would be paid by ratepayers. E.g., a $40/MWh PPA is passed through at $40/MWh to ratepayers without an additional “debt equivalence” cost recovery component added to that for ratemaking purposes, right? Debt equivalency costs are intended to account for the debt-like financial obligation that Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) represent.  PPAs are a significant and incremental long-term financial obligation for I&M.  Debt equivalency costs are included in the Levelized Adjusted Cost of Energy (LACOE) for all PPAs to ensure bids are compared on an equivalent basis.
16Will BESS proposals be accepted for the Rockport opportunity?Yes, that is allowed under the RFP rules.
17In Section 5.13 of the Draft Materials, can you clarify that bonus credits do not include Prevailing Wage/Apprenticeship & only apply to energy communities etc.?Per Section 3.8.12, “…proposals for non-thermal bids must comply with Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship Requirements (PWAR) tied to full value Federal Tax Credits (e.g., PTCs and ITCs) provided under the Inflation Reduction Act.”  The bonus credits referenced in Section 5.13 point to Section 8.6, which specifies that non-thermal bids must provide “detailed information regarding the Project’s ability to qualify for bonus credits provided under the Inflation Reduction Act (i.e., Domestic Content Bonus Credit and Energy Community Bonus Credit).” 
18Given that you’re looking for CODs almost four years in the future, why is it reasonable to require that projects have gone through the interconnection process? Please correct my understanding if it’s in error. If not, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an RFP with that requirement.The resources I&M is soliciting through this RFP are needed to replace Rockport which has a firm retirement commitment by the end of 2028.  Consequently, it is necessary that the resources that I&M select from this RFP are able to be operational prior to the beginning of PJM’s 2028/2029 Planning Year which begins June 1, 2028.  The generator interconnection study process has incurred lengthy delays, requiring projects to wait longer periods before securing an interconnection agreement and before completion of any needed network upgrades.  The interconnection study status requirements in the RFP are designed to ensure that: 1) projects have reached a level in the interconnection process that ensures they can be reliably delivered within the required timeframe, and 2) that estimated interconnection and network upgrade costs can be incorporated into the bid selection process.
19Will both PPA and PSA proposals be accepted for the Rockport opportunity?Per Section 2.15, only PSA proposals will be accepted for the Rockport site.
20Can you please clarify what documents are needed to prove site control? Would site map and lease memo suffice?For the purpose of demonstrating site control to receive the form confidentiality agreement, we can accept an officer’s certificate affirming the amount of acreage under site control agreements.  However, memoranda of lease will be required as part of respondent’s RFP proposal package.  Site maps with sufficient current land use details are also helpful to characterize land under control.
21My understanding is that there are a certain number of generators in the cluster that PJM will evaluate for interconnection. I’m wondering why that isn’t a minimum criteria to bid into the RFP. I’m having a hard time believing that there are a lot of projects that have gone through the interconnection process that have offtakers, and even if there were, that they could wait four years for COD without issues. There is a mismatch between project online date and interconnection process requirement. I think there needs to be a lower threshold.The resources I&M is soliciting through this RFP are needed to replace Rockport which has a firm retirement commitment by the end of 2028, so it is necessary that the resources that I&M select from this RFP are able to be operational prior to the beginning of PJM’s 2028/2029 Planning Year which begins June 1, 2028. The generator interconnection study process has incurred lengthy delays, requiring projects to wait longer periods before securing an interconnection agreement and before completion of any needed network upgrades. The interconnection study status requirements in the RFP are designed to ensure that: 1) projects have reached a level in the interconnection process that ensures they can be reliably delivered within the required timeframe, and 2) that estimated interconnection and network upgrade costs can be incorporated into the bid selection process. Additional considerations to determine the feasibility of a requested COD include steps needed to conduct the RFP, carry out contract negotiations, and complete the necessary regulatory processes.
22I don’t think anyone is surprised that transmission is a limiting factor. We have previously mentioned this to I&M before, but it might be helpful to explore the possibility of projects that can be connected to the injection point at the Rockport site. There’s not really a way to collect information on those projects through this RFP. I was wondering if this is a middle ground that you would be willing to entertain.Through this RFP, I&M is seeking competitively-priced projects that are able to demonstrate they are capable of being completed in a timely manner without high execution risk. We are offering up the Rockport site for CTs and storage as an opportunity to take advantage of existing land rights that are well-characterized and in close proximity to the point of interconnection (POI). After further consideration, I&M is willing to offer the Rockport injection point to offsite projects. Such proposals will need to demonstrate site control that does not introduce an unacceptable level of risk and uncertainty with respect to execution, schedule, and cost. Additionally, such projects must demonstrate compliance with all aspects of the RFP.
23I understand that those are the current requirements. The transmission rights you have at Rockport are really valuable and there are multiple ways to use them. I think there are multiple ways to evaluate the different ways to use them. The point of the RFP is to collect information about viable projects that could provide value to the I&M system, so I think you would want to cast the widest net possible.See previously provided response regarding Rockport.
24Does one bid have to be included where storage is just for 20% of nameplate or can we submit an offer greater than 20%?It is helpful to have proposals that can be easily compared for evaluation purposes. As a result, the RFP requests bids where storage represents 20% of the nameplate of the wind or solar with which it is paired. If bidders believe a more competitive offer can be made at a nameplate percentage greater than 20%, we invite respondents to submit such bids. As noted earlier, the RFP also allows for standalone storage projects to be submitted.
25For transparency of this process and to allow a thorough regulatory review, the bid information should be available to stakeholders without competitive interests under a non-disclosure agreement.
In addition, non-competitive stakeholders should be able to review the information used to evaluate the bids. There are several non-trivial and black box cost adders that I&M proposes to use in its evaluation including congestion cost, capacity value, and debt equivalence cost, and it will be very important for stakeholders to have an opportunity to review the basis for these cost adders as well as the application of those adders to the bid evaluation.
Language is included in the NDA between AEP and potential RFP Participants that outlines a procedure for the confidential disclosure of RFP bid results and analyses of RFP bid results to interested stakeholders that are not competitive entities.
26On the issue of debt equivalency (section 9.2.1), we are also keen to understand whether this is a risk that needs to be priced. For example, it seems likely that the Rockport Unit 2 lease was treated as debt equivalent; with the closure of that unit, wouldn’t the Company’s debt equivalency position be improved? Our bottom line position is that debt equivalency is not a linear cost/risk, and it shouldn’t be treated as such in this RFP.Debt equivalency costs are intended to account for the debt-like financial obligation that Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) represent. PPAs are a significant and incremental long-term financial obligation for I&M. Debt equivalency costs are included in the Levelized Adjusted Cost of Energy (LACOE) for all PPAs to ensure bids are compared on an equivalent basis.
27I&M seeks to limit the use of the Rockport site only to combustion turbines and battery (section 2.15).  Without knowing the potential limitations of the site itself, at a minimum, I&M should invite the possibility of projects (of a wider variety of resource types) close to the Rockport site but connected to a gen tie line that would facilitate the re-use of Rockport’s injection rights.  The ability to interconnect is an obvious bottleneck for projects located on anything other than existing plant sites, so some creativity is needed to make sure that those injection rights are used for the least-cost resources and not merely to narrow the range of opportunities only to those technologies that I&M wishes to build at the site.  MISO’s interconnection queue map shows a range of solar, battery and even a wind project already in the queue in a radius around the Rockport site.
Through this RFP, I&M is seeking competitively-priced projects that are able to demonstrate they are capable of being completed in a timely manner without high execution risk. We are offering up the Rockport site for CTs and storage as an opportunity to take advantage of existing land rights that are well-characterized and in close proximity to the point of interconnection (POI). In contrast, the projects plotted in the MISO map provided show projects that are located more than 10 miles away from the Rockport POI. Nonetheless, after further consideration, I&M is willing to offer the Rockport injection point to offsite projects. However, such proposals will need to demonstrate site control that does not introduce an unacceptable level of risk and uncertainty with respect to execution, schedule, and cost. Additionally, such projects must demonstrate compliance with all aspects of the RFP.
28We remain concerned about the very stringent requirements for interconnection that I&M has imposed in this RFP (section 3.9). Have I&M and/or CRA examined the difference in the number of potentially eligible projects at the required stage of interconnection now versus at the time that the 2022 RFP or the 2021 RFP was issued? Given some of the recent changes in the interconnection processes in PJM and MISO (e.g., for PJM, see FERC Docket No. ER22-2110; and for MISO, see FERC Docket No. ER22-661), we’d recommend that I&M establish a more relaxed minimum requirement such as a requirement that projects are in the Definitive Planning Phase in the case of MISO and then award points to projects based on where they are in the process, e.g., so that any project that has an interconnection agreement would receive more points than one that has only completed the system impact and interconnection facilities study.The resources I&M is soliciting through this RFP are needed to replace Rockport which has a firm retirement commitment by the end of 2028. Consequently, it is necessary that the resources that I&M select from this RFP are able to be operational prior to the beginning of PJM’s 2028/2029 Planning Year which begins June 1, 2028. The generator interconnection study process has incurred lengthy delays, requiring projects to wait longer periods before securing an interconnection agreement and before completion of any needed network upgrades. The interconnection study status requirements in the RFP are designed to ensure that: 1) projects have reached a level in the interconnection process that ensures they can be reliably delivered within the required timeframe, and 2) that estimated interconnection and network upgrade costs can be incorporated into the bid selection process. I&M has reviewed the generator interconnection study queues. The established interconnection study threshold noted in the RFP is expected to yield a robust set of projects that are competitively-priced, have a high likelihood of being completed in a timely manner, and lack high execution risk.
29While RFPs may not be the best way to acquire demand-side resources, we believe they should be eligible to respond. Currently, it is unclear whether demand-side resources are eligible, as “Emerging Technologies” (section 2.3) and “Other Capacity Resources” (section 2.3) appear to be undefined, at least absent a glance at related documents not provided with this RFP. We do not think any energy efficiency resources are likely to respond, but a demand response aggregator may and should be allowed to make an offer as it was in the 2021 RFP.While demand-side resources are not an eligible resource within this RFP, I&M has a number of demand response options available to its customers that provide opportunities to reduce peak load as well as act as a capacity resource when needed by PJM. This includes opportunities for curtailment service providers in Indiana.
30Without access to Appendix F – AEP Generation Facility Standard, it’s not clear which battery vendors would be eligible to respond, but we think it is important that AEP does not foreclose new storage technologies just because they are unfamiliar to AEP. AEP could substitute this requirement with more information about the commercial status of the technology, the testing it has undergone, etc.Projects proposed for the Standalone Energy Storage Resources category would need to follow the battery energy storage system (BESS) requirements outlined in the corresponding technical specifications. Storage technologies that do not fall within this category can bid into the Supplemental Capacity category of the RFP.
31The draft RFP at page 1, page 3 (§ 2.2), and page 7 (§ 3.4) uses the term “overall capacity need”. It is unclear how that concept is determined or what the amount is (or if that concept represents different megawatt tranches across different resource types). The RFP should make that clear for the benefit of both stakeholders and bidders.I&M has used the results of the IRP process to establish approximate targets for annual resource additions by type. However, the actual MW totals by resource type may differ depending on the characteristics of the bids themselves. Ultimately, I&M will select a set of projects that best meets the capacity and energy needs of the company while providing the best overall value to our customers. The need will be refined by the most current assumptions and requirements set forth by PJM at the time resources are selected.
32The draft RFP at § 9.4.5 (page 27) uses the term “Accredited Capacity Resource needs”. It is not clear how that concept is determined or what the amount is (or if that concept represents different megawatt tranches across different resource types).PJM determines the capacity accreditation associated with different resource types. I&M will reference PJM’s latest determination(s) with regards to capacity accreditation.
33Additionally, it is unclear whether wind and solar resources are part of “Other Capacity Resources.” Since the total of 1,650 MWac (nameplate) of wind and solar targeted by this RFP are less than the 2,160 MW of carbon-free resources specified in the recent approved settlement in Michigan PSC Case No. U-21189, it would seem logical that “Other Capacity Resources” within “Supplemental Resources” could potentially include wind and solar resources. On the other hand, the selection methodology described in Section 9.4.3 suggests that a maximum of 100 MWac of Supplemental Capacity Resources could be considered, which seems inconsistent with I&M’s existing commitments. This potential contradiction should be clarified.Wind projects are part of Wind Energy Resources and Solar project are part of Solar Energy Resources; they are not part of Other Capacity Resources. The nameplate quantities targeted in the RFP account for current procurement efforts underway and for changes in capacity accreditation by PJM. The goal is for this RFP to fill the remaining need identified under the IRP. In addition, the targets specified in the RFP do not prevent any resource meeting the eligibility and threshold criteria of the RFP to participate
As part of the evaluation process, I&M will be evaluating all supplemental capacity resources through two phases. As part of the first phase, Section 9.4.3 references that “approximately 100 MWac” may be advanced for further evaluation, however, this is intended as a target and not a cap.
34Once the Confidential Agreement is executed, how quickly will AEP grant access to the form documents and appendices? Given scope of RFP, we want to ensure ample time to review and price to specifications for wind, solar, storage and thermal.As soon as the documentation is received and reviewed, the form documents and appendices will be provided. At this time, review cycles are approximately 1-3 business days.
35Does AEP want Dual Fuel capability on the peakers at non-Rockport sites? The Draft RFP did not speak to this.I&M does not require this, however, it may be provided as an option with optional pricing.
36Is black start a firm request for sites that are non-Rockport? The Draft RFP did not speak to this.See Section 3.8.1, which states: “I&M has a preference for proposals offering black start capabilities. Bidders should state whether a facility has black start capability. If a facility does not have black start capability installed but could be made black start capable, Proposals are required to provide the additional pricing needed for black start capability (as an option in addition to the base proposal) as well an estimated construction timeline and estimated cost to operate.”
37Does AEP require layouts and designs for combined cycle following the referenced Appendix R layout for non-Rockport sites?Yes, please reference Appendix O which states the submittal requirement: “Site Layout: Attach a diagram identifying anticipated placement of major equipment and other project facilities, including transmission layouts and Point of Delivery.”
38What space allocation is required by AEP for carbon capture and/or hydrogen? Are there specifications AEP can provide?I&M is open to bidder’s proposed space allocation based on the specific technology and design proposed.
39The total net output for thermal is listed as approximately 540 MW. Is that a firm number or can bids be lower or above that threshold?No, this is not a firm number. Bidders are requested to provide at or around 540 MW to the extent possible.
40Does AEP have any operating standards for Thermal that it can share? Looking to understand start ups, run times, etc. that AEP is targeting. Operational standards for start-ups, run times, etc. are not standardized for each thermal technology. Each project is subject to specific rules, standards, and permits which are governed by each project’s local, state, and federal jurisdiction. I&M will carefully evaluate each concept submitted in accordance with the thermal data review form that bidders are required to submit; such form includes, but is not limited to, providing information regarding performance and emissions.
41When will the 2023 PSA be uploaded to the website documents? And will it be uploaded with all referenced Exhibits?The PSA will be made available to bidders once it is ready for distribution. It is expected to be ready around the timeframe that the RFP is issued.
42We are particularly interested in the form of Seller Parent Guaranty (Exhibit N to the PSA) which we noted was not included in the 2022 PSA – nor did we appear to see any other Exhibits (but apologies if we’ve missed those). Might the 2022 Exhibit N be something that the RFP team can send while we await the release of the 2023 version?The PSA and any associated Exhibits will be made available to bidders once it is ready for distribution. It is expected to be ready around the timeframe that the RFP is issued.

The questions above were received prior to RFP issuance.

43Appendix I: Bidder must populate the data required in the Company’s “Solar Data Review Form” spreadsheet.
I see a Solar Energy Input Sheet, and a Solar Modeling Input Sheet. Is the Data Review Form spreadsheet still to be released, or are we to just fill in the two excels already released and respond to the rest of the questions listed on Appendix I within the RFP document?
Yes.  Those are the required appendices.  The Solar Data Review Form refers to the Solar Modeling Input Sheet.
44Will Indiana Michigan Power Company (I&M) accept credit ratings from NICE (National Information & Credit Evaluation). They’re one of the top two credit agencies in South Korea and also publicly traded.AEP will only accept ratings provided by Moody’s and S&P.
45Would there be potential opportunities to tour the Rockport site at a later date?No other Rockport site visits are scheduled at this time. We will notify parties if another is scheduled.
46Will interconnection at the Rockport site be via Gen Replacement? Will AEP/I&M be responsible for all filings/applications required to interconnect? Yes, the Rockport site interconnection filings and application will be handled by AEP. 
47Is there a preferred/required interconnection voltage for storage projects contemplating the Rockport site? Yes.  The interconnection voltage Is 765kV. 
48Would you be open to seeing proposals from gas plants in Ohio or Illinois? Gas facilities in Ohio or Illinois would not qualify under the RFP eligibility criteria.  Proposals for gas-fired plants must be located in Indiana or Michigan. 
49[RE: Rockport Site] Will the ground be able to be purchased or long-term easement lease?  The Rockport site would be subject to a short-term lease during construction.  Ownership of the site will be retained by AEP.  Eligible projects that are sited on the Rockport site would be bid via Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA). 
50Can you please clarify whether the below two items apply only to PSA bids, or are required for PPA bids as well?  
“1. Solar panels and inverters must be manufactured by those approved vendors in the AEP Generation Facility Standard (see Appendix F). 

2. Bidder’s Proposal shall include a completed Appendix M containing expected Land Lease Costs, Decommissioning Costs, and Property Taxes, as well as a written description providing an overview of each of these three categories.”
Appendices F and M are required for both PPA and PSA proposals.  
51On Appendix N, it says Proof of Site Control can be attached in the Electronic Version only.
Can you confirm this means we do not need to send in hard copies of these documents with the hard copy of bid materials that is to be submitted 3 days after the RFP submission deadline? 
Confirmed. Hard copies are not required for the proof of site control materials. 
52Do you have an available .kmz file for the Rockport site? 
We are trying to accurately model what solar buildable land is surrounding the site and what land is available to lease for a project around the Rockport site. 
AEP will provide the .kmz file for the Rockport site boundary for bidders who have signed a form CA. In addition, a conceptual site plan and significant survey information has been provided as part of Appendix R and S. 
53See below from Section 9.1.10. Can you confirm whether or not the minimum credit package requirements have been made available yet? If not, when do you expect they will be?”   
Bidders must verify receipt of AEP’s minimum credit package requirements guidelines provided upon receipt of a completed Confidentiality Agreement. Bidders are required to verify that any costs associated with meeting the credit requirements are included in the submitted bid price.” 
Seller credit requirement guidelines are included with the form contracts.
54Is Indiana Michigan Power Co. open to receive O&M proposals for the PSA projects in wind, solar, storage, or gas projects?After a PSA has been executed, such parties may engage with AEP about submitting O&M proposals.
55Could you please provide clarification on what is considered the Rockport site per section 2.16 in the RFP? Proposals for CTs and Storage may be proposed for construction within the Rockport site boundaries outlined within the .kmz file and further described in Appendix R and S.

For all eligible technologies, AEP has also offered the Rockport injection point for projects located on land outside the boundaries of the Rockport site. Developers are responsible for establishing site control for properties outside of the Rockport site.
56Is the 9/1/23 selection of bidders for final negotiations a “short-listing” of the proposals?Yes. I&M anticipates that fewer contracts will be executed than the number of Shortlisted bids given current market volatility and uncertainty. Shortlisted bidders are not guaranteed award of a contract.
57In the RFP materials, it said PPA form exceptions were to be provided in list form, but I am not seeing a specific exceptions template. Will redlines be accepted or should we be putting into an excel list? If an excel list, will you provide a template or can we provide our own?A redline of the applicable form of agreement is acceptable to satisfy this requirement. Should a bidder wish to provide exceptions in list form, the bidder can provide it in Excel format. A template was not provided.
58Can you confirm that the minimum credit package requirements are detailed within the PPA, and there is no separate document that we need?Confirmed; there is no separate document for PPAs.
59Is the land in the kmz nearby the Rockport Plant open for solar development?Only storage and CTs are eligible to be sited within the boundaries of the Rockport site.

For all eligible technologies, AEP has offered the Rockport injection point for projects located on land outside the boundaries of the Rockport site. Developers are responsible for establishing site control for properties outside of the Rockport site.
60I was checking the I-M RFP website as a follow up to obtain site pictures from the Rockport power plant that would support our preliminary site plans to build a BESS at the location.  Have they been provided yet?  I&M offered to take pictures during the Rockport site visit should any bidder ask for them, but the bidders on site did not request any pictures to be taken. If specific images are needed, I&M can arrange for that, but encourages the use of Google Earth as well.
61What materials are you looking for in the Rockport bid? From what I have gathered you are looking for a price and a conceptual site layout. Is this all that is needed or are there more documents that we need to fill out?Please refer to Appendix Q for the proposal content checklist. However, respondents are expected to review and provide information relevant to their specific bids as further specified in the RFP document.
62Is there a kmz with the specific location that AEP would like for the battery storage to be located at Rockport?A .kmz file is not available at this time. Bidders are encouraged to utilize the BESS areas called out on the General Arrangements in Exhibit R-A.
63Has AEP given any thought to tax credits and what that structure might look like in a PPA or PSA deal?Yes. I&M intends to optimize monetization of tax credits under the PSA. Under the PPA, bidders may select their own respective tax credit strategy and incorporate that structure into their bids. The RFP requests that respondents provide information on their tax qualification strategy used to secure Federal Tax Credits.
64Is the land near the Rockport plant available to lease from AEP outside of the RFP?No, not at this time.
65Is Appendix G applicable to all bids, or just to bids proposing to interconnect into I&M’s distribution electrical system?These requirements are applicable to Transmission-system connected resources. Please refer to Q14 regarding the distribution system interconnection process.
66If we are bidding a solar project with co-located storage, do we need to mark up both the Solar PPA and BESS PPA, or can we just mark up the Solar PPA?Yes. Please mark up the Solar PPA and the BESS term sheet to capture, as applicable, the terms applicable to the co-located storage.
67For BESS proposals, are we limited to designing the project within the confines of the Project Location outlined in red in the habitat study, Appendix A? Or can it be anywhere within the approximately 4,400 acres of the .kmz file depiction?Bidders are encouraged to utilize the BESS areas called out on the General Arrangements in Exhibit R-A. In addition, environmental and other studies were not performed on the entire Rockport property. If bidders want to conceptually plan for BESS layout outside the BESS General Arrangement areas on Exhibit R-A, this would need further approvals and diligence performed.
68Is a control room, admin or maintenance building needed to be built as part of this project or will the project be able to use access to the existing PP control room? If so, could you please point out the location of the control room building?Yes, CT bidders are expected to include in their scope the cost to provide a new control room and O&M building. These buildings should be identified in the conceptual layouts in Appendix R-A, depicted as Item #21. BESS proposers are expected to utilize the same control room for their project. If no CT proposals are selected, BESS proposers will be requested at a later date to provide pricing associated with these features.
69We are submitting projects at the Distributed Generation level (5MW) and not utility scale. The projects would be submitted through the I&M Distribution System. There is not specific table in the RFP referencing where to submit the interconnection information for I&M so we are referencing the PJM interconnection table which states that we can put “expected completion date”.
Is it required to have a completed I&M Distribution Impact Study at the time of RFP submission? Are we able to put an “expected completion date” for the I&M system impact study on our application?
Projects interconnecting to I&M’s distribution electrical system must have a completed Distribution Impact Study from the I&M Distribution Planning Group.
If your project does not meet the above criteria, then it would not meet the eligibility and threshold requirements under the RFP.
70Re: Rockport site visit – how broad an area of the overall site has geological boring records (to know structural values of what sub-surface is like is our ONLY reason for asking) that would let us see the types of soils, formations, water tables, sediment layers or other objects present that would preclude use of sub-surface in different beneficial manners.All available documentation on record relating to the Rockport site has been provided in the data room at this time. The information contained in Appendix R-E is what is currently available with regards to geotechnical studies.
71Regarding storage at the Rockport Site. Are the developers responsible for any environmental permitting?Developers are responsible for the environmental permitting associated with the proposed BESS project.
72We need some clarification on Section 8.8 “The identity of all persons and entities that have a direct or indirect ownership interest in the Project.” Do you have more guidance for what your team is looking for here? Is a list sufficient?A complete list of entities that have an ownership interest in the project is sufficient.
73Will I&M consider stand-alone BESS projects greater than 315 MW at the Rockport site?  If so, is there a maximum volume?The Projects sought through this RFP are to satisfy the requirements identified in the 2021 IRP. I&M continues to target approximately 315 MW total for BESS in this RFP.
74We have a question related to respondents proposing a PSA CT project utilizing the Rockport site. In that case is the respondent directly responsible for securing all the relevant permits such as the air permit, siting permits, etc. or will I&M take the lead given they have site control?I&M will apply for, manage, and obtain the air permit, while respondents are responsible for all other permits.
75We would like to clarify 1) the scope for the security/safety system required, and 2) if yard lighting aka pole lights are required?
Can you please provide the answer or point us to the RFP documentation that references these requirements?
The security system scope is defined in section 5.19.6 of the RK CT specification (418162-43407-00-EM-SPC-00001-RB) within Appendix R. The lighting system is also defined within the RK CT specification section 5.25; however, lighting in this specification is defined according to CT facility and associated scope within the conceptual footprint provided. Lighting needs of the BESS facility will be determined once final BESS locations are proposed and accepted by AEP. If BESS were the only project to move forward, some of the areas outlined in the RK CT specification 5.25 would not apply. This scope will be further clarified upon bid negotiations.
76Will I&M accept / consider any later COD projects (after 12/15/2027) for the 2023 I&M All-Source RFP?Projects must have an Expected COD by 12/15/2027 in anticipation of the 2028-2029 PJM capacity planning year.
77Regarding the COD requirement in this RFP of “by 12/15/2027”, if a project can achieve COD in 2026 or earlier would Indiana Michigan Power Company have a preference for the earlier COD or should we bid and plan construction around a 2027 COD? I’ve noticed that the 2022 RFP required COD by 2025 and this year’s requires COD by 2027, so I was curious if there is appetite for projects that can come online in 2026.The RFP requests COD by 12/15/2027.  Earlier CODs would be eligible under the RFP and evaluated.  You may propose multiple options.
78Do you anticipate that you will be filing CPCNs this year or next based on the results of this RFP?CPCN filings are anticipated next year.
79For onsite BESS, is the seller expected to interconnect at 765kV in the switchyard or create a 345kV gen tie and AEP I&M will step up to 765kV.At Rockport, BESS is required to interconnect at 765kV voltage.