2023 Indiana Michigan Power Company (I&M) All-Source RFP

Update: the 2022 All-Source RFP process has concluded.  Information on the 2022 All-Source RFP process has been archived here.

Issuance of the 2023 I&M All-Source RFP

Indiana Michigan Power Company (I&M), via Charles River Associates (CRA) serving as the Independent Monitor, has now issued the 2023 All-Source RFP which seeks additional generation and capacity resources consistent with its 2021 IRP as follows:

  • Approximately 800 MWac Wind via a purchase and sale agreement (PSA) for purchase of 100% equity interest in a project company or a power purchase agreement (PPA) for purchase of Renewable Energy Products produced by a Wind resource
  • Approximately 850 MWac Solar via a purchase and sale agreement (PSA) for purchase of 100% equity interest in a project company or a power purchase agreement (PPA) for purchase of Renewable Energy Products produced by a Solar resource, with consideration for 300 MWac of Solar paired with up to 60 MWac of Storage
  • Approximately 315 MWac Storage via a purchase and sale agreement (PSA) for purchase of 100% equity interest in a project company or a power purchase agreement (PPA) for purchase of Energy Products produced by a Storage resource, with consideration for 60 MWac of Storage paired with up to 300 MWac of Solar
  • Approximately 540 MWac Gas Generation Resources via a purchase and sale agreement (PSA) for purchase of 100% equity interest in a project company or a power purchase agreement (PPA) for purchase of Energy Products produced by a Gas resource
  • Supplemental Capacity Resources to meet overall capacity need via a purchase and sale agreement (PSA) for purchase of 100% equity interest in a project company or a power purchase agreement (PPA) for purchase of Supplemental Capacity Products produced by a Supplemental Capacity Resource

Proposals for existing projects are eligible to be submitted into the RFP under either the PPA or PSA contract structures.

A portion of the retiring Rockport Plant site will be available for bidders to propose Combustion Turbine (CT) generation projects as well as Storage projects for participation in the RFP.

Questions regarding this RFP should be emailed to IMAllSourceRFP@CRAI.com.

CRA will post a list of the non-confidential “Questions and Answers” at its website on a weekly basis following the issuance of the RFP until the Proposal Due Date.

RFP Schedule

RFP IssuedMarch 31, 2023
Proposal Due DateMay 26, 2023
Bidder(s) Selected for Final Contract NegotiationsSeptember 1, 2023
Contract ExecutionJanuary 2024
State Regulatory FilingsFebruary 2024
Receipt of Full Regulatory Approval Order(s)April 2025
Seller Conditions to NTP achievedJune 2025
Notice to Proceed (NTP)June 2025
Commercial Operation byDecember 2027

To view and download the RFP Documents, please navigate to the Documents section.

Please note that certain documents are available only after execution of a Confidentiality Agreement (CA). Please refer to Section 6.5 of the RFP for more information. If proposing to utilize the Rockport site, please execute the Form CA posted on the RFP website.  For proposals that do not propose to use the Rockport site, please include the following documentation with your form CA request:

  • Verification of Site Control as required by Section 3.8.11 of the RFP
  • Completed interconnection study as follows:
    • PJM Projects: Completed PJM System Impact Study as required by Section 3.9.2 of the RFP, orMISO Projects: Completed Final DPP SIS and Network Upgrade Facilities Study and Firm Transmission into PJM as required by Section 3.9.3 of the RFP, or
    • I&M Distribution Projects: Completed I&M Distribution Impact Study as required by Section 3.9.4 of the RFP.

Stakeholder Engagement – 2023 RFP (Stakeholder Engagement Process complete)

I&M is currently developing a 2023 All-Source Request for Proposals (“2023 RFP”) which seeks to secure supply-side generation consistent with the preferred portfolio outlined in the 2021 Integrated Resource Plan.   Consistent with this plan, I&M seeks a combination of Wind, Solar, Combustion Turbines, Storage, and Supplemental Capacity resources.  As part of the 2023 RFP, I&M will make available a portion of the retiring Rockport Plant site for bidders to propose Combustion Turbine generation projects as well as Storage projects for participation in the RFP. 

To bring these resources online in a timely manner, I&M has retained Charles River Associates (“CRA”) to serve as an independent monitor to assist in initiating the 2023 RFP process.  As part of the development of the 2023 RFP, CRA, on behalf of I&M, commenced a stakeholder outreach process to receive feedback on the planning and development of the 2023 RFP.  Overall, CRA is serving in a lead role with respect to the stakeholder engagement processes associated with the 2023 RFP, ensuring that stakeholder input is incorporated into the competitive procurement process, screening RFP responses, and monitor AEP/I&M’s efforts associated with the development, issuance, and evaluation of the bids.  The 2023 RFP website is located at www.IMAllSourceRFP.com.  This website is managed by CRA on behalf of I&M.

CRA actively solicited feedback from customer groups and potential participants.  To this end, CRA has established a dedicated e-mail to receive comments from stakeholders at IMAllSourceRFP@CRAI.com.  Stakeholders should direct any questions, concerns, suggestions, or comments for consideration and potential inclusion in the upcoming RFP directly to CRA via this e-mail address. With regards to feedback and comments received via the e-mail box, CRA will adhere to the following process:

  1. CRA will review the communication to identify whether the issue is addressable in the context of the RFP and to formulate their independent recommendation with respect to the communication.
  2. CRA will share only the core content of the communication and not any identifying information with respect to the sender either with I&M or other parties unless otherwise compelled to do so by law.  As noted, CRA will provide a recommendation with respect to the items raised by the stakeholders to I&M, who may accept or reject such recommendations.
  3. At the conclusion of the RFP process, CRA will provide a report which reflects the feedback received as part of the stakeholder process, the recommendations CRA has made, and whether such recommendations have been adopted by I&M in the RFP.

The table below summarizes the schedule of key events in the stakeholder engagement process.

PurposeLinkDate and Time
RFP Development MeetingDiscussion with stakeholders on the development of the 2023 All-Source RFP.Meeting Registration LinkFebruary 10, 2023 from 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET
Draft RFP ReleasedDraft RFP documents and evaluation factors will be posted publicly on this website for comment by all stakeholders.Posted on the Documents section of the IMAllSourceRFP.com website.February 17, 2023
Pre-RFP Stakeholder meetingDiscussion with stakeholders to review the draft RFP, minimum eligibility requirements, and evaluation factors.Meeting Registration LinkMarch 1, 2023
Comments DueDue date for written comments from all stakeholders to the IM.Send comments via e-mail: IMAllSourceRFP@CRAI.comMarch 10, 2023
Stakeholder Meeting and Feedback Schedule

As noted in the table above, two stakeholder meetings have been held.  The February 10, 2023 meeting focused on the development of the 2023 RFP.  In this meeting, CRA led a discussion with stakeholders, that covered the following agenda:

  1. Introduction to the RFP Process.
  2. Introduction of CRA as the Independent Monitor.
  3. An overview of the resources and needs sought under the All-Source RFP.
  4. The proposed evaluation criteria, including non-price factors.
  5. The overall process and timeline for review and release of the RFP.
  6. The stakeholder feedback process and instructions.
  7. Open Q&A on the RFP process.

In addition to the RFP Development Meeting, a Pre-RFP Stakeholder meeting was held to review the draft RFP documents issued in February 2023.  At this March 1, 2023 Pre-RFP Stakeholder meeting, the following agenda items were covered:

  1. The resource types sought under the draft RFP
  2. Minimum eligibility and threshold requirements
  3. The RFP evaluation process
  4. Non-price factors that will be considered in the evaluation process
  5. The stakeholder feedback instructions
  6. Open Q&A on the draft RFP

If you have any questions regarding the above, feel free to reach out to CRA at IMAllSourceRFP@crai.com.

Rockport Site Visit

For developers who are interested in attending a site visit to tour the Rockport facility, I&M will be hosting a site visit on April 4, 2023. For further information, please contact us at IMAllSourceRFP@crai.com.