
RFP Documents Posted

Draft RFP Documents Posted
The draft All-Source RFP documents, including the non-price evaluation categories & factors, and scoring template for the 2022 I&M All-Source RFP have been posted to the RFP website at under the Documents section.  

Reminder: Please register for the February 8 Pre-RFP stakeholder meeting
On February 8, 2022, at 3PM, a pre-RFP stakeholder meeting will be conducted to review the draft RFP, minimum eligibility requirements, and evaluation factors.  Please click on the following link to register for the meeting:  Meeting Registration.

Feedback Process
As a reminder, we are requesting your feedback on the upcoming RFP.  If you have any feedback to share, or questions on the upcoming RFP, please e-mail us (CRA) at

For more information on the feedback process and other information on the RFP, please visit the RFP website at